Mr. Ahmad's continued dedication and commitment in the field of ophthalmology (clinical and translational research) has led him to successfully translate his research into clinical trials for human limbal stem cell therapy for corneal burns.
He is currently acting as a senior clinical lecturer at the Institute of Ophthalmology, University College London.
Being a clinical scientist in Ophthalmology, his basic science research interest is in ocular surface stem cells and stem cell niche biology (using adult, embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cell models).
Mr. Ahmad's core expertise is in translating this research into first-in-man studies: autologous limbal stem cell therapy trial; oral mucosa cell therapy; and allogeneic cell therapy trial (the latter having recently been given European Medicines Agency orphan drug designation).
His clinical expertise is in ocular surface inflammation, regeneration and reconstruction. He is also actively involved in investigation of corneal endothelial disorders and finding potential therapeutic options.
He has been a mentor and a guide to 4 PhD students, 6 MRes students and 4 MSc students. He has also served as an external examiner to 6 PhD students from different parts of the world.
Mr. Ahmad's research with his collaborators has attracted funding of >GBP 5 million by winning several prestigious grants including Newcastle Healthcare Charity, One North East UK, Randerson Foundation, Medical Research Council, CARA UK, Crossley Barnes, Fight for Sight and Moorfields Eye Charity.